Pokemon Battle

In the fall semester of school year 2020, my ICS 211 partner Eva Teresa and I developed a gaming sofeware program that supports two players and generated Pokemons with choosen species and choosen name but random HP value. The program allows you to catch different Pokemons with different characteristics like “Fire”, “Water”, “Poison”, etc and different skills due to species, which may affect the battle outcome depends on the enermy’s characteristics.

For this project, Eva and I were in charged for almost every part of it because it was such a important and difficult project at the time to us. We shared opinions from genertating Pokemons, choose species, name the Pokemons, to settle players, the order of which player goes first, and how skill attcks is going to affect enermy’s HP, and the game over screen. We both learned a lot of how Java can be running in one program but with many different related files.

The following code is partial of my coding for the Pokemon project in Java

  while (makingPokemon) {
     // prompt for the species
     System.out.println("\nChoose a Pokemon for " + player + ": ");
     for (int i = 0; i < species.length; i++) {
        System.out.println((i + 1) + " " + " for " + species[i]);
     // read input from user and trim whitespace
     userInput = pokeScanner.nextLine();
     speciesChoice = userInput.trim();
     switch (speciesChoice) {
        case "1":
           p = new Bulbasaur();
           makingPokemon = false;
        case "2":
           p = new Ivysaur();
           makingPokemon = false;
        case "3":
           p = new Venusaur();
           makingPokemon = false;
        case "4":
           p = new Charmander();
           makingPokemon = false;
        case "5":
           p = new Charmeleon();
           makingPokemon = false;
        case "6":
           p = new Charizard();
           makingPokemon = false;
        case "7":
           p = new Squirtle();
           makingPokemon = false;
        case "8":
           p = new Wartortle();
           makingPokemon = false;
        case "9":
           p = new Blastoise();
           makingPokemon = false;
           System.out.println("You choose an invalid species!");
     // prompt about the name
     boolean gettingName = true;
     while (gettingName) {
        System.out.print("Does the Pokemon have a name (Y/N)?: ");
        userInput = pokeScanner.nextLine();
        userInput = userInput.trim().toUpperCase();
        switch (userInput) {
           case "Y":
              // Prompt for the name and read the input string
              System.out.print("What is the Pokemon's name?: ");
              userInput = pokeScanner.nextLine();
              name = userInput.trim();
              gettingName = false;
           case "N":
              // The user doesn't care to input a name
              gettingName = false;
              System.out.println("Invalid Input: please enter (Y/N)");
  // conditional for whether we have a name
  if (!name.equals("")) {
  return p;    }